自1985年成立以来,这个简单的信念一直指导着杰纳西社区学院基金会. 通过结合志愿者的努力, 金融支持, 以及忠诚的人们的热情, we help Genesee 社区 College and many hundreds of students every year.
By building and strengthening Genesee 社区 College, 并投资于今天学生的生活, we secure a bright future for our communities and for generations to come.
- 卓越. We recognize and encourage academic success at Genesee 社区 College, and provide 金融支持 for our community’s academically talented students.
- 访问. We help provide a Genesee 社区 College education to all Genesee, 利文斯顿, 奥尔良, 怀俄明县的学生面临着经济和个人困难,这不是他们自己的过错.
- 活力. 我们促进对本地区商业和工业经济增长至关重要的领域的研究.
- 参与. 我们为校友,利益相关者和社区参与学院提供途径.
- 资本. 我们帮助提供资金资源,为学生提供优质的教育和服务.
- Receives funds through our volunteer-driven annual fund raising campaign, 特别筹款活动, and thoughtfully-planned bequests and deferred gifts.
- 管理 Donor-Designated基金 (more than 150 of them) through a rigorous 投资ment program.
- Provides careful Stewardship of all funds entrusted to us, and ongoing communication with our supporters and community about our work.
- 熟练地管理基金会拥有的财产和基金会资助的学生服务, 包括大学村, 学生宿舍.
- Disburses funds through a thoughtful planning and grant-making process.
- 激发慷慨和志愿精神.
- 为杰纳西社区学院、我们的学生、我们众多的支持者和我们的社区服务
- 慷慨的时间,才能,和宝藏
- 公民的最高理想
- Commitment to our neighbors, our communities, and future generations
- Belief in the power of every person to make a difference
The Genesee 社区 College 基金会 is a 纽约 State charitable corporation, 对基金会的捐款在联邦和州法律的最大范围内免税.
基金会的组织是为了接受, 投资, 管理, and disburse your gifts in the most effective and meaningful way possible.